
Well I got up at 4am this morning and had an overwhelming feeling that I needed to study and then share some things on humility.

Personally, I think its God trying to serve me a little humble pie! J  I do my best to be humble, and I’m pretty good at faking it, but really this is a matter of the heart.

So first thing I did was pray to God to change my heart and to purify it and to help me to be humble, from the heart.

Secondly, I had to make sure I was sharing this with you all not so I could get some self-praising comments, but because I want to glorify God and to help those around me through my faults because I truly love you.

Thirdly, I just have to say I am so blown away at how MJ seems to embody humility and I credit Mrs. Jackson for instilling amazing values in him and MJ for continually making the decision to hold humility in his heart.

So I think I’m ready to share what I found and I hope you will find it to be a blessing.

What humility is…

It is the right estimation of self.  It is having a clear picture of who you are and Whose you are.  It is knowing that while you have things to be proud of, ultimately, those things and abilities are made possible by God and for God’s glory.

What humility is NOT…

It is not you knowing you have a gift and downplaying it or denying it.  It is not putting yourself down.  It is not degrading yourself.

The opposite of humility is pride.

Pride is the easiest of things to have.  I will be totally transparent with you all…. I suffer with pride.  I battle with silly things like making a post on the MJHDI site or my blog and checking back to see if I gotten any favourable remarks… in other words… checking back to see if I’ve been glorified.

We all want to be seen favourable in the eyes of another, but that just goes to show how easy a thing pride is to have.

In the ideal world, I wouldn’t care what others thought, as long as I was doing whatever for God’s glory and because it was the right thing to do in His eyes.  Not to gain His approval.  Not to work my way to heaven.  Just because it is right.

To be humble is to be at rest when no one praises you.  To be humble is not to be looking out for what I’m getting, but to be in a mode of service to others.

Lets hear what Michael said:

He is so wise! No actually he just reads his Bible! 🙂

Matthew 18:4  (KJV) Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

1 Timothy 3:6 (NKJV) not a novice, lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil.

And how do we become humble?

1 Peter 5:6-7 (NKJV) Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, 7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

One way is to cast my cares upon Him.

You know with all the talk about conspiracies, NWO, Illuminati, Freemasons, etc. I’ve known that there is a lot of evil in this world and it is very concerning.  I also believe that we have a role to play as soldiers in the army of love but I don’t see Michael as the General of the Army.  I believe that this battle is not ours.  This battle goes back to the beginning of time.  The battle between good and evil. This battle is the Lord’s.

I believe God is the General of the Army, Michael has his ranking as he has been put in a position of influence and power in this world, and he is doing what he is called to do.

I have a hard time believing, as I look back on interviews, that Michael is doing this for his own glory.  I pray that all he does is for one reason, to glorify the One who gave him all he has.

I’ll end with this quote from MJ as this is getting really long 🙂

“I believe in the Bible and I try to follow the Bible. I know I’m an imperfect person, I’m not making myself out to be an angel. Because I’m not an angel & I’m not a devil either. I try to be the best I can and I try to do what I think is right. It’s that simple.” ~ Michael Jackson

Let’s all do the best we can in this world.  To stay humble, love and encourage each other, and do what we think is right.

Love you guys!



~ by lilwendy on June 9, 2011.

8 Responses to “Humility”

  1. Nice article reminding us of the perils of pride…we are encouraged daily to be be proud and selfish…where does it get us? Nowhere. I for one need to try harder not to be so. Thank you, I will try thinking twice next time I am tempted…

  2. this is the REAL DEAL

  3. Certainly, Michael did not leave for a while for glory. That’s not Michael. He e did what he felt he needed to do; I think for a combination of reasons. Michael is an unselfish person and I don’t think he felt he could do what he’s done without greater purpose. This does not mean that he did it for glory. It’s sort of like a re-awakening to what matters in life as this is also a transition for him. Yet, I cannot really name what he’s done. Only God & Michael can say. More shall be revealed as the beauty in all of this is in the eyes of the beholder.
    I don’t think he cares to be put up on a pedestal either, to the extent that he is. I think he cares to be free to be who he is as he’s also encouraged others to be the best that we can be as individuals. I also believe that he cares to pave a free-way for Prince, Paris & Blanket. All the while I believe he deeply cares for everyone in the name of universality; always with love & compassion.

  4. God Bless you sweetie! I have always thought of you as a fellow “believer” in the Most High King just by your posts and tweets! We all love Michael and the gifts he has been given. Even he has always stated that he “is not Jesus”. We are supposed to be Ambassadors of the King of Kings…People sometimes forget that even Michael is human with very awesome gifts. Thank you for your bravery in your confession that I’m sure, most of us have an issue with. May God richly bless and keep you safe dear…Much Love @OnlyByGodsGrace

    • Thank you Kathy. My confession is my way of dealing with pride. 🙂 And I pray that the areas I fall in and subsequently learn from, will somehow bless others. I truly believe that it’s in humility that we will help each other on our journeys. Children truly are a blessing and we can learn so much about humility from them. I will definitely be more aware in teaching and more importantly modeling humility for all those around me. Please pray for me to rid my heart of pride as i will be praying for all of you.

      • Absolutely my sweet friend! May God be with and divinely direct our paths in these difficult days…Much Love and Blessings, Kathy

      • Thanks for taking the time to comment Kathy! Much appreciated and love and God’s blessings to you too! (Even though IMO we are all already blessed beyond measure!)

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